Click on image to view fullsize.
Image is centered around ICRS coordinates: 05h35m18s -05d23m20s.
Pixel scale: 0.72 arcsec per pixel.
Image size: 10.0 arcmin by 10.0 arcmin.
Colour composite image was created using the following bands as colour channels:
- Red: VISION Ks band at 2.2 μm taken with VIRCAM instrument at VISTA telescope.
- Green: VISION H band at 1.65 μm taken with VIRCAM instrument at VISTA telescope.
- Blue: VISION J band at 1.25 μm taken with VIRCAM instrument at VISTA telescope.
Images were stretched using the prepipy algorithm.
The fullsize version of this image (click on image to view) contains machine-readable coordinate (WCS) information. The image can be downloaded and viewed in applications such as the Aladin sky atlas via “drag-and-drop” or by pasting the image’s permalink into the command-line.