The team
The nucleus of our consortium consists of a well-balanced team of international experts in studies of star formation and applications of machine learning and artificial intelligence.
Odysseas Dionatos
Project coordinator
University of Vienna
Department of Astrophysics
Marc Audard
University of Geneva
Department of Astronomy
Gabor Marton
Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Science
Konkoly Observatory
Julia Roquette
University of Geneva
Department of Astronomy
David Hernandez
PhD student
University of Vienna
Department of Astrophysics
Ilknur Gezer
Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Science
Konkoly Observatory
Tatiana Pavlidou
Postdoc – associate
University of Vienna
Department of Astrophysics
Fabian Haberhauer
PhD candidate – associate
University of Vienna
Department of Astrophysics
ISSI team
Our ISSI team has the objective to bring together experts in star formation, survey data, big data analysis, and machine learning to use multi-wavelength data to derive a new evolutionary scheme for young stellar evolution.